There is no date for the competition at the moment for April-May in 2025 - we will update immediately when there is :)
Any further questions, please contact the email -
Next competition on 31.10.2024 at Tel Aviv University - Smolresh Hall
The world competition will take place in the USA on 23-24.11.2024

Registration fees for competitors

Registration fee for the WNBF-ISRAEL competition, after filling The registration form The registration fee must be paid in order to complete the competition registration process as competitors.


additional products

ביגוד מותאם בעיצוב אישי לכל קטגוריה: ביקיני, פיגר ופיט באדי.


Do you have a question? Want to get more information?
Fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible
